Tuesday, November 18, 2003
**whoo** cough... cough

Wow, there's a lot of dust in here. Thought I should say something simply for the purpose of not letting my blog go for an entire month without me writing. Truthfully though, I really don't want to write anything on here... I was all for it a little while ago and now I've become very disappointed with the whole blog thing. I was very skeptical at first and I think I may have been right to be to some extent. Ah well... nobody's ever had a big problem with mine, I'm too docile to stir up any kind of mass emotion. One thing I know, and I'm putting on here so you guys can keep me accountable to it, is that I'm going to start taking better care of myself. I realized the hard way in the last couple of days that I'm not doing so hot. I don't have energy, I don't have motivation, I always feel half sick, it just plain sucks. I need to eat better, sleep more, get more excercise and spend more time praying and meditating on God's Word. I really feel like I'm letting down God and His church when I take lightly the task of being a good steward of the life He's given me. Till next month! :) Maybe sooner... but that's for later.

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