Thursday, December 04, 2003
For Those of You Too Chicken to Look it Up

My conspiracies will begin with an elaboration on my last post. There are some in the world (actually it looks like quite a few) that claim they have discovered the cure for cancer. Apricot seeds (as well as apple seeds, cherry seeds and the like) are said to be rich in a vitamin called B17. A lack of this vitamin in our diets is allegedly the reason that so many are battling cancer today. Look back to scurvy, they had no idea what this devastating disease was until they realized that it was simply a lack of vitamin C. So where does the conspiracy theory come in? You might be asking yourself "If this really is a cure for cancer, why is it not more widely known and why is it not being used?" The conspiracy is this: the FDA in the US is said to be suppressing information and research regarding this vitamin. Some have tried to synthesize the vitamin into a drug called Laetril and this has given them quite a bad name since the drug never really worked and was not properly regulated. The FDA has cracked down hard on Laetril and probably for good reason. But the "drug" is the problem, say the FDA's critics. Drug companies cannot patent and make money on a vitamin, hence they don't want this information getting out. The claim is that more people are making money from cancer than are suffering from it and that creates a balancing act on the part of the US Government. Most of my information here came from Dr. Dino (AKA Kent Hovind) of Creation Science Evangelism. Even if you just want some very interesting reading and a lot of conspiracy theories this is the place to start.

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