Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Mmmm… Politics

I have been having a really interesting time dealing with all of the politics going on around me. I have lived my entire life believing that I hated politics in any form. Boy was I wrong. Every time I get in a heated discussion about politics now I find myself coming away from it smarter, more informed and most importantly with a huge grin on my face. Just as everybody around me begins to loathe the very mention of the word politics I'm starting to really enjoy it. I'm gonna miss all this tension when the election is over. One of our elections happens tomorrow, and I'm quite excited about it. I've always had a sweet spot for change, so I really love elections. I'm also really coming to peace with the fact that everybody really does have a different view of this world, and that those views are very important. They make up who we are, and as Bruce said last night at Contact we as Christians have been called to be good stewards of the views and personality traits that God has given to us. So yeah... hope all this election buzz isn't being too hard on any of you, just wanted to say that I'm actually enjoying it for once in my life.

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Thursday, October 02, 2003
Sympathy for the Devil

For those of you who listen to internet radio, this is my favorite station. To give you an idea of why, I just heard a G'n'R version of "Sympathy for the Devil". All I have to say is... wow.

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