Thursday, November 27, 2003

There's kind of been a lull in blog entries lately from almost everybody... strange that I'd be breaking that isn't it? I guess if there's nothing to read, you might as well write something. And what better way to start than by stirring up some controversy?! Has anyone ever looked up apricot seeds on the internet? Try it sometime, it's bound to catch you by surprise. We watched a video at our Bible study last night by "Dr. Dino" and it got me very interested in some things. Matt, I think I might be in on you with your off-grid grow operation as long as we add some organically grown fruits like say... apricots! Anyhow... enough controversy and conspiracy for one day... I'm gonna get some work done.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
**whoo** cough... cough

Wow, there's a lot of dust in here. Thought I should say something simply for the purpose of not letting my blog go for an entire month without me writing. Truthfully though, I really don't want to write anything on here... I was all for it a little while ago and now I've become very disappointed with the whole blog thing. I was very skeptical at first and I think I may have been right to be to some extent. Ah well... nobody's ever had a big problem with mine, I'm too docile to stir up any kind of mass emotion. One thing I know, and I'm putting on here so you guys can keep me accountable to it, is that I'm going to start taking better care of myself. I realized the hard way in the last couple of days that I'm not doing so hot. I don't have energy, I don't have motivation, I always feel half sick, it just plain sucks. I need to eat better, sleep more, get more excercise and spend more time praying and meditating on God's Word. I really feel like I'm letting down God and His church when I take lightly the task of being a good steward of the life He's given me. Till next month! :) Maybe sooner... but that's for later.

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